Unusual Whales

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Ford Motor, $F, has said it will change its diversity, equity & inclusion program, including ending participation in an LGBTQ advocacy group's ranking system

“We are mindful that our employees and customers hold a wide range of beliefs, and the external and legal environment related to political and social issues continues to evolve,” Farley’s memo to employees read. “Ford does not utilize hiring quotas or tie compensation to the achievement of specific diversity
1 min read

Nearly half of real estate investors (42%) have lost $200,000 or more on a single investment. with 45% admitting a bad investment has almost ruined them financially, & 40% wishing they never started investing in residential real estate in the first place

According to new research from Clever Real Estate, a real estate firm based in St. Louis, nearly all residential real estate investors (90%) have experienced financial losses on their investments. Nearly half (42%) report losing more money than they have gained from real estate investing. Furthermore, almost half of the
1 min read