68% of ChatGPT users at work say they haven't told their bosses

Per Business Insider

With over 43% of professionals reportedly using ChatGPT at work, 68% said they did not tell their bosses. This came from a survey by Fishbowl, which involved 11,700 workers from Jan 26 to 30.

This was an update to an earlier survey in January with around 4,500 professionals, finding that only 27% of them have used AI in their work. Only 32% of the 5,067 respondents that said they used AI said that their boss knew about it.

So far, the comments that mentioned ChatGPT were up 107% over January from Jan 2 to the week of Jan 23. The respondents reportedly included high-profile companies.

Here is the list of some of the biggest companies involved in the survey.

  • Amazon
  • Bank of America
  • Edelman
  • Google
  • IBM
  • JP Morgan
  • McKinsey
  • Meta
  • Nike
  • Twitter

It was noted that there were thousands of other companies involved. The survey found that only a smaller majority of 57% of respondents said that they weren't using AI tools at work.

As Microsoft pushed OpenAI's ChatGPT technology, Google started to launch its chatbot Bard, which is set to roll out in the US and UK.

A report in March shared that ChatGPT is expected to replace some of the most popular jobs, including Software engineers, data analysts, advertising, journalism, paralegals, financial analysts, accountants, and more.

OpenAI was also hiring additional contractors to help its artificial intelligence with its coding. The company's AI model was trained by codes from GitHub, which is owned by Microsoft.

The more recent ChatGPT-4 has reportedly reached new heights of AI capabilities by passing the bar exam with the 90th percentile. This was a huge step up from the GPT-3.5 model that the company was using.

GPT-4 reportedly costs $0.03 for 1,000 "prompt tokens," equaling around 750 words. OpenAI, however, said that the difference between the latest model and GPT-3.5 was "subtle."

See flow at unusualwhales.com/flow.

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