A bipartisan bill by Abigail Spanberger and Brian Fitzpatrick would block members of Congress from getting paid if the U.S. enters debt default or if the government shuts down.

Reps. Abigail Spanberger (D-Va.) and Brian Fitzpatrick (R-Pa.) are set to introduce a bipartisan bill on Thursday called the No Pay for Congress During Default or Shutdown Act. This legislation aims to prohibit members of Congress from receiving their salaries in the event of a U.S. debt default or a government shutdown.

The bill, shared in advance with NBC News, seeks to incentivize legislators to take action and prevent these situations by withholding their pay for the duration of a breach in the debt limit or a lapse in federal funding.

With concerns rising that the divided Congress may not meet the June 1 deadline to raise the debt limit, risking a catastrophic default on U.S. obligations, this proposal comes at a critical time. It is particularly significant as it originates from two politically vulnerable lawmakers representing competitive districts. The bill reflects a populist approach, tapping into the frustration expressed by voters from both parties towards Congress.

According to Spanberger, "If Congress can't fulfill basic obligations tied to the strength and security of our country, lawmakers should not be rewarded with our salaries until we do our jobs." Fitzpatrick, an ally of House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.), who supports spending cuts in a debt limit bill, stated, "Our bipartisan legislation is a no-brainer — lawmakers should not be paid if we irresponsibly default on our nation's debt."

Importantly, the Spanberger-Fitzpatrick bill does not permanently prevent lawmakers from receiving pay, which would violate the 27th Amendment. Instead, it suspends their pay for the duration of a shutdown or default, at least until the end of the session.

Should a default or shutdown persist, withheld payments would be released by congressional payroll administrators, such as the Chief Administrative Office (CAO) in the U.S. House, at the conclusion of the 118th Congress, as noted by Spanberger's office.