App Store transactions increased by 29% from 2021 to 2022, raking in $1.1 trillion last year

Per Apple

A new Apple press release detailed how its App Store transactions saw an increase of 29% from 2021 to 2022. This came as the company was able to rake in $1.1 trillion from App Store ecosystem sales alone.

The press release also detailed how the company didn't make that much from commissions. It also highlighted the "strength and resilience of the App Store ecosystem."

"More than 90 percent of billings and sales accrued solely to developers, without any commission paid to Apple"

Apple also pointed out that the numbers came from an independent study by Analysis Group economists. The release also noted that the iOS economy supported over 4.8 million jobs in the US and Europe alone.

Here's the breakdown of the Analyst Group's findings:

  • App Store developers made $910 billion in physical goods and services billing and sales.
  • $109 billion came from advertising in the App Store.
  • $104 billion came from digital goods and services.

Apple CEO Tim Cook also released a statement regarding how opportunity thrived in the App Store.

Cook: “As this report shows, the App Store is a vibrant, innovative marketplace where opportunity thrives, and we’re as committed as ever to investing in developers’ success and the app economy’s future.”

In mid-January, it was reported that the Apple Card was responsible for over $1 billion in losses for Goldman Sachs. The card reportedly resulted in $1.2 billion in pretax losses in the first nine months of 2022.

From 2020 to the end of September 2022, losses grew to $3 billion.

In April, it was reported that Apple's personal computer shipments fell by 40.5% in the first quarter. This resulted in the worst drop since the final three months of 2000.

During the first quarter, it was noted that all PC makers experienced a combined decrease of 29% to 56.9 million units.

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Analysis Group