Apple Job Postings in India Refer Directly to Retail Operations: Company to Open Its First Flagship Stores

Per FT

Apple is making its presence known in India as the company recently posted job positions on flagship retail operations in Idia. This leads experts to believe that the company is preparing to open its first flagship locations in the country.

This expansion will be important as Apple still relies heavily on China for its manufacturing. The company plans to diversify its manufacturing and presence, with India being one of the countries it is looking towards.

India is considered the second biggest smartphone market in the world, so it makes sense that Apple would want to open its flagship stores in the country. Recently, Apple listed 12 job openings for different locations across the country.

The listings had the tag Apple Retail, indicating the positions would be directed toward potential flagship retail stores.

Here are the positions posted:

  • Technical Specialist
  • Store Leader
  • Specialist
  • Senior Manage
  • Operations Expert
  • Market Leader
  • Manager
  • Genius
  • Expert
  • Business Pro
  • Creative
  • Business Expert

The good thing about Apple flagships is that they can have up to 1,000 employees, with a typical Apple Store already having at least 100 workers. This would mean more jobs in India as the company is expanding in the country.

Additionally, information about the yet-to-be-announced stores has surfaced on the LinkedIn profiles of at least five New Delhi and Mumbai employees. Although Apple did not immediately comment, the company's CEO gave previous statements regarding their plans to expand in India years ago.

In February 2020, Apple CEO Tim Cook announced that the company plans to expand in India. He gave a statement at the annual shareholders meeting that year regarding their planned expansion in the country.

Cook: “I don’t want somebody else to run the brand for us,”

Apple's first-ever online store shortly followed the statements by Tim Cook in India. In 2015, Cook even personally visited Prime Minister Narendra Modi to lobby for an Apple Store to be opened in the country.

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