Apple PC shipments in Q1 2023 saw a steep 40.5% decline

Per Forbes

The personal computer market saw a huge decline in the first quarter of 2023, with Apple experiencing the steepest drop in shipments. The company's PC shipments fell by 40.5%.

In Q1 2022, Apple could ship out 6.9 million computers, but in the recent Q1, the company could only ship out 4.1 million units. The decline was more than that of HP, which, although the latter shipped more units, experienced a smaller decline.

HP shipped out 15.8 million PC units in the first quarter of 2022, which dropped to 12 million units in the first quarter of this year. IDC, a market intelligence firm, gave a statement regarding the change in demand.

IDC: “Weak demand, excess inventory, and a worsening macroeconomic climate were all contributing factors for the precipitous drop in shipments of traditional PCs,”

It was noted that Lenovo shipped the most units in the first quarter of 2023, at 12.7 million units. Following Apple, ASUS reportedly experienced a 30.3% decline, the same as Lenovo.

In total, other companies reportedly experienced a decline of 26% compared to the top companies. These other companies were responsible for 14.7 million PC units sold in the first quarter of 2023.

The Apple card was reportedly responsible for over a billion in losses for Goldman Sachs. It was found that in the first nine months of 2022, businesses using the Apple Card saw pretax losses of more than $1.2 billion.

The total amount since the end of September 2020 reportedly amounted to $3 billion.

Recently, Apple is reportedly trying to shift its manufacturing away from China, with India as one of its top choices. Foxconn, a maker of the company's iPhone, is already planning a $700 million plant in India as part of the company's plans to shift its production location.

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