Belarus President Lukashenko says Russian nuclear weapons won't be used

Per Nikkei

The President of Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko, has assured the public that Russian nuclear weapons won't ever be used. These weapons were deployed in his country.

So far, Lukashenko remains the Kremlin's ally regarding the war in Ukraine and it was noted that the two acknowledged that tactical weapons have arrived in Belarus. This acknowledgment was given during Belarus' national day.

Lukashenko: "As we move along, we become more and more convinced that they [the weapons] must be stationed here, in Belarus, in a reliable place... I am certain that we will never have to use them while they are here. And no enemy will ever set foot on our land."

Hanna Maliar, Deputy Defense Minister of Ukraine, has commented on the situation.

Maliar: "Our troops are facing intense enemy resistance, remote mining and the redeployment of enemy reserves, but are tirelessly creating the conditions for the fastest possible advance,"

Previously, Ukraine's President Zelensky said that should China ally itself with Russia, there would be World War III. The president noted how they wanted China on their side but didn't see it possible at the time.

Russia was reportedly also selling Zelensky's Crimea apartment after it was nationalized through voting from the Crimean State Officials. The penthouse apartment was described as luxury, and profits from the sale were intended to go toward funding the war.

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