BREAKING: US announces $345 million in military aid for Taiwan.

The Biden administration announced a significant military aid package for Taiwan, amounting to $345 million. This marks the first major package under the current administration that draws from America's own stockpiles to support Taiwan in countering China.

The aid package will include defense resources, education, and training for Taiwan. Notably, it will entail the supply of man-portable air defense systems (MANPADS), intelligence and surveillance capabilities, firearms, and missiles. The U.S. officials providing this information chose to remain anonymous due to the sensitivity of the matter before the official announcement.

The decision to expedite weapon deliveries to Taiwan comes in response to mounting pressure from U.S. lawmakers on both the Pentagon and the White House. The primary objectives are to enhance Taiwan's ability to deter potential attacks from China and to counter China's influence in the region. By providing Taipei with adequate weaponry, the aim is to raise the cost of any potential invasion for China, thus discouraging such aggressive actions.

It's essential to note that this aid is separate from the nearly $19 billion worth of military sales, including F-16s and other major weapons systems, that the U.S. has previously approved for Taiwan. Delays in the delivery of these weapons were attributed to supply chain challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic and further exacerbated by the global defense industrial base pressures stemming from Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

However, the current aid package utilizes presidential authority approved by Congress last year, allowing for weapons to be drawn directly from existing U.S. military stockpiles. This approach eliminates the need to wait for military production and sales, enabling faster delivery of much-needed weapons to Taiwan