Chamath says Crypto is Dead in America

Tech investor Chamath Palihapitiya has said that "crypto is dead in America," according to a recent interview with CNBC. Palihapitiya, who previously claimed that bitcoin had replaced gold and would eventually reach $200,000, now seems to have changed his tune. In the interview, he cited regulatory uncertainty and a lack of innovation as reasons for his pessimism about the future of cryptocurrency in the United States.

This news comes as a surprise to many in the crypto community, who have long seen Palihapitiya as a vocal supporter of digital currencies. However, it is worth noting that Palihapitiya has been critical of the industry in the past, particularly when it comes to issues of regulation and transparency.

At the time of writing, it is unclear what impact Palihapitiya's comments will have on the broader crypto market. However, it is worth noting that his comments are likely to be taken seriously by many investors and traders, given his reputation and influence in the tech industry.

For more information on Chamath Palihapitiya and his views on cryptocurrency, check out the following articles from Unusual Whales: