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Billionaire Mark Cuban has expressed interest in buying both Fox News and Elon Musk’s X, but admitted he lacks the financial capacity to do so.

During an interview, the Shark Tank star referred to the baby boomer generation as the “Fox News generation” and talked about how to engage with them.

“You buy Fox News,” Cuban told Wired. “If I had the money, which I don’t, I’d buy it in a heartbeat.” Despite having sold his majority stake in the Dallas Mavericks NBA team earlier this year, Cuban explained that even with his significant wealth, he couldn’t afford to purchase Rupert Murdoch’s network.

With a net worth of $5.7 billion, according to Forbes, Cuban estimated the cost of turning the network around would be between $15 billion and $20 billion. “You’d have to pay at least a 50 percent premium, making it about $22 billion. Then you’d need another $2 billion for necessary changes,” he said. “You could sell off some assets, so maybe it’s around $15 billion or $20 billion net. But I don’t have $15 or $20 billion in cash just lying around.”

Cuban originally coined the term “Fox News generation” in an earlier interview with The New York Times, where he expressed disappointment with how his generation had shifted from “sex, drugs, and rock ‘n’ roll” to condemning movements like Black Lives Matter and watching Fox News in large numbers. “It’s deeply upsetting to me,” he said. "You have no idea."