Elon Musk Says Twitter Will Add Bold, Underline, and Font Size Options

Per Elon Musk on Twitter

Elon Musk has talked repeatedly about Twitter's word limit and is planning to increase it to 4,000 words. Aside from that, the CEO also announced other additions, like the ability to underline or tweet in bold while adjusting the font sizes.

The Bold option will help users highlight certain words in their tweets. Although users can do this manually by copying and pasting text from other third-party tools, the ability to edit on Twitter has not yet been available.

Other options include adding an underline feature, which will also help users highlight text within their tweets. So far, this is only achievable through third-party tools.

The last option would be for users to adjust font size. It remains hard to imagine what options will be available for the font size, and no additional details reveal whether the bigger font will affect the word count of the tweets.

Musk clarified that the purpose of these changes would be to encourage the publishing of long-form content on Twitter instead of users needing to share links on another website. Currently, even the Twitter Files have to be published in series as replies on top of replies for the full scoop.

Users can publish content just like on other sites with long-form content and additional highlighting features like bold, underlining, and adjusted font sizes. Musk also revealed the main reason for these features, and his ultimate goal with Twitter as the CEO wants brevity to be prioritized.

Musk: "Twitter will continue to recommend brevity in tweets."

Daily Wire Scripted Creator Frank J. Flemming shared the importance of italicizing on regular tweets, especially regarding comic timing, which Musk agreed to.

Musk also noted that these features would become available later this quarter while its 4,000-word count limit will launch in February. The CEO also clarified that despite the long text, the tweets would remain the same with an option for users to "click for more."

See flow at unusualwhales.com/flow.

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