Elon Musk says self-driving Tesla cars will arrive this year in 2023

Per Forbes

After previously mentioning several times that Tesla would be launching its self-driving cars. Elon Musk has once again said that the self-driving Teslas would arrive this year in 2023.

This came while Musk was speaking via a video link at a Shanghai artificial intelligence conference. During this conference, the Tesla CEO said that the company was close to achieving full self-driving.

During this time, it was noted that full-self driving would allow the EVs to function even without supervision from a human. However, Musk still highlighted that "this is only speculation."

This happens as there have been previous instances where Musk has said that they were getting extremely close to launching full self-driving EVs. What's new now is that Musk said that “We’re closer to it than we ever have been.”

In November, it was reported that the Tesla full self-driving Beta software was available in all of North America.

In October, it was reported that Tesla came under US criminal investigation regarding claims it made over self-driving. The DoJ launched the previously undisclosed investigation following over a dozen crashes, with some of them fatal, which all involved Tesla's driver assistance system called Autopilot, which was said to be activated during the accidents.

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