FBI struggles to analyze SBF's laptop due to data overload

Per BI

While still being investigated, prosecutors are saying that they are struggling to analyze Sam Bankman-Fried's laptop due to the amount of data it contains. Nicholas Roos, the Assistant US Attorney, shared how it would take weeks to extract Slack messages alone from the laptop.

Roos proposed another solution for analyzing the laptop. It was suggested that the laptop be virtually taken apart then "extracted in pieces for prosecutors to analyze." It was also noted that the Justice Department's privilege review of what data is useful to the case hasn't even started.

SBF's attorney, Mark Cohen, gave a statement regarding concerns their party had about how the laptop contents were handled by the prosecutors. Roos noted that around 6 million pages of discovery material have already been produced for the legal team of the defendant.

Cohen: "That relates to a cooperating witness, who may be a witness at trial,"

A representative of SBF gave a response to Insider regarding the plans of the disgraced founder's party. It was noted that they would challenge the new charges upon the filing of the new charges.

If SBF is convicted for all charges, he could face penalties of over 100 years.

So far, Sam Bankman-Fried has been charged with 13 counts of different violations. His latest charge involves paying $40 million in bribes to at least one Chinese government official, resulting in a violation of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act anti-bribery provisions.

So far, SBF has been paying multi-million dollar fees from a gift he got from his father with money that was borrowed from Alameda Research, FTX's sister company, in 2021. The disgraced founder reportedly gifted the maximum amount under the exemption at that time, which is $11.7 million.

See flow at unusualwhales.com/flow.

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