Finland builds Russian barbed wire fence worth over half a billion


Finland has started to establish a barbed wire fence on the Russian border. The fence is reportedly 124 miles long and 3 meters tall.

Specifically, this will include a fence with barbed wire on top, costing the country $597 million to build. This comes as Finland is getting closer to joining the NATO alliance.

The parliament is already discussing a potential bill that could hasten whether or not Finland would join the NATO alliance. An answer on the potential bill is expected to happen on Wednesday as to whether the country's participation with the alliance should be sped up.

Out of all the European Union countries, Finland has the longest border with Russia, which stretches 832 miles, and so far, the borders were only made up of wooden fences. The report notes that this barbed wire fence is being constructed as more Russians seek to escape conscription.

First, the country will be clearing out its current wooden fences, and in March, it is expected to start road construction and fence installation at the Imatra border. Certain parts of the fence are expected to get upgraded with additional lights, night vision cameras, and a loudspeaker.

Per Finland's Border Guard, the Imatra pilot project will be finished at the end of June. The stronger Border Guard Act expects stronger fences to be built to deal with more pressing matters as an upgrade from its initial fences, which were designed to prevent the border crossing of livestock.

Russia's Putin officially announced that the country would resume its nuclear tests shortly after Biden visited Ukraine. The Russian President said that should the US conduct tests, they will do the same.

This comes shortly after the Russian President suspended the country's participation in the last nuclear arms control treaty between them and the United States.

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