Google search results to block Canadian news outlets


After the passage of Bill C-18, Google search results will now block Canadian news outlets. This comes after the bill would've required platforms owned by Google and Meta to pay newsrooms for linking to their content.

Should they not have decided to block Canadian news outlets, the decision would've brought around $329 million in annual revenue for all newsrooms from Canada. Meta also recently announced that it has also decided to block Canadian news content.

Aside from pulling the news from Google search results, the company will also drop Canadian media from the News and Discover products. The CBC, Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, encourages Canadians to go directly to trusted websites for news.

CBC was known as one of the largest Canadian news organizations. Parliament for Honoré-Mercier member Pablo Rodriguez gave a statement regarding Google's decision.

Rodriguez: “Big tech would rather spend money changing their platforms to block news from Canadians instead of paying a small share of the billions they make in advertising dollars,”

Meta has also decided to block access for Canadians to news for its social media platforms in response to Bill C-18.

At the end of February, Canada reportedly banned TikTok from all federal government devices. This was after it stated that the platform presented an "unacceptable" level of risk to privacy and security.

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