Google to Report AI Investments in Q1 of 2023

Per Business Insider

After a lot of talks has spread of Microsoft potentially having a shot against Google's search engine with the help of OpenAI, Alphabet's company has decided to reveal the company's AI investments in their next quarterly report.

Google is now committed to sharing with its investors how much they are putting into AI technology, which is starting to become a big deal among investors. Microsoft has recently announced that it will be pouring $10 billion into OpenAI after its initial investment of $1 billion in 2019.

Microsoft's investment in the company behind ChatGPT could result in the AI making its way to other Microsoft products. One report notes that the AI tool could find its way into the company's workplace emails, slideshows, and spreadsheets.

After talks that Microsoft's investment in OpenAI could give it a shot against Google, Alphabet announced that it would be disclosing its AI investments. This includes its DeepMind AI research division, which can be found under the company category called "Other Bets."

In its recent press release, the company released a statement sharing its commitment to AI and that it will share additional info regarding its involvement with certain AI activities. Alphabet said they will be updating their reports on investments in artificial technology.

"As AI is critical to delivering our mission of bringing our breakthrough innovations into the real world, beginning in January 2023, we will update our segment reporting relating to certain of Alphabet's AI activities."

Just recently, Microsoft added ChatGPT to one of its products called Teams Premium. This comes as part of the company's $10 billion investment with OpenAI.

This comes at a time when OpenAI announced that it would be hiring additional contractors to assist the AI company with its coding. The company has trained the AI with codes from GitHub, owned by Microsoft.

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Alphabet Q4 Press Release