Irish government plans to cull 200K cows to meet EU climate change goals while planning to offer €5,000 per cow

Per Fox News

The Irish government is reportedly planning to cull 200,000 cows in order for it to meet EU climate change goals. While it's still entertaining plans on how to do so, it was revealed that the government plans to offer €5,000 per cow in compensation.

The €5,000 compensation per cow was still a proposal found in the Irish Department of Agricultural document talking about the matter. The Irish Independent first reported the document.

Peadar Tóibín, an Irish politician, gave a statement before the Irish Parliament regarding their plan to cull the cattle by 2025. He noted that their decision could cost the farming sector €600 million.

Tóibín: "How is it environmentally friendly to kill large swathes of the Amazon, import that beef from Brazil to substitute for Irish beef that’s been culled here in this state. It’s a significant threat hanging over farmers in this country, and we must have a debate crystallizing exactly what the plan of this government is."

Aside from politicians, Elon Musk himself also commented on the issue. He also said how the plan would not work and how it wouldn't matter for climate change.

Musk: "This really needs to stop. Killing some cows doesn’t matter for climate change."

In March, Bill Gates said climate change won't be fixed by requesting people to no longer eat meat. The billionaire noted that innovation for new and better solutions was needed instead of stopping meat consumption.

In 2021, the Nature Food journal found that global food systems were responsible for 35% of anthropogenic greenhouse gasses, while animal-based food was only responsible for 57% of the total food systems' global gasses.

Gates also noted that he would continue to use his private jets while campaigning on climate change. He said that he spends billions of dollars on climate innovation.

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