Jobs for ChatGPT experts can pay up to $800,000 yearly

Per Business Insider

The demand for ChatGPT skills in the job market has prompted a massive increase in offerings for people with experience in this technology. Certain listings can be seen paying up to $800,000 for people with experience in the new ChatGPT.

This came from a ResumeBuilder study that found that out of companies with open positions, 91% of them wanted people with ChatGPT experience. Richard Baldwin, an economist, gave a statement during the 2023 World Economic Forum's Growth Summit regarding AI.

The economist specified that AI wouldn't take people's jobs; instead, jobs would be taken by people who know how to use the AI tool.

Baldwin: "AI won't take your job... It's somebody using AI that will take your job."

Lasso MD CEo Eric Bunnel shared with Insider the type of AI experts they wanted to hire.

Bunnel: "We want candidates who are not only capable of executing our AI-enabled workflows, but can also bring new learnings and efficiencies to the table from their own experience with generative AI,"

It was recently also revealed that ChatGPT was powering contractors making $15 an hour. Goldman Sachs believes that 300 million full-time jobs could be impacted by AI platforms like ChatGPT worldwide, not just in the US.

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