Kyiv says the Russians have placed explosives today on top of reactors three and four of Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant, whereas Russia Telegram channels report an imminent “Ukrainian attack"

Volodymyr Zelenskyy has alerted Emmanuel Macron to the presence of "dangerous Russian provocations" at the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant. The Ukrainian president took to Twitter to inform his French counterpart that occupation troops are preparing such provocations at the mentioned facility. Zelenskyy emphasized the need for maximum control over the situation, with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) involved as well.

During their discussion, the presidents also touched upon the internal situation in Russia and expressed their expectations for the upcoming NATO summit in Vilnius.

Zelenskyy revealed that Russian forces have placed explosives on the roof of two power units at the nuclear power plant. The Ukrainian General Staff reported that Russian troops are preparing for an imminent strike, intending to create an illusion of shelling by Ukraine's military without causing damage to the power units.

Meanwhile, an adviser to the head of Russia's nuclear power operator Rosenergoatom, Renat Karchaa, made claims that Ukraine planned to attack the nuclear power plant overnight on July 5. Karchaa alleged that Ukraine intended to use precision weapons and kamikaze drones, including a Tochka missile with a warhead filled with radioactive waste. It is worth noting that Russia has a history of blaming Ukraine for attacks it has actually carried out.

Zelenskyy stressed the importance of global attention to the actions of occupiers at the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, emphasizing that the collective security of the world depends on it.