Musk: “At no point did I say that I was donating $45 million a month to Trump, that was a fiction made up by the Wall Street Journal"

Reporter: “Mr Musk, are you still going to donate to Trump? Are you still donating $45 million?”

Musk: “At no point did I say that I was donating $45 million a month to Trump. That was a fiction made up by the Wall Street Journal.”

“What’s been reported in the media is simply not true. I’m not donating $45 million a month to Trump,” Musk said in an interview with Jordan Peterson, a conservative Canadian pop psychologist and YouTube personality, posted Monday on X, the social media site that Musk owns.

Musk said he created the America PAC not as a “hyper-partisan” group but to “promote the principles that make America great in the first place.” Those principles, he said, include meritocracy and freedom, which he defined as “the least amount of government intervention possible,” a condition without which “everything becomes illegal.”

The Wall Street Journal reported last week that Musk was planning to donate around $45 million a month to America PAC. In response to the reporting, Musk appeared at the time to give mixed signals. He responded to the WSJ article on X with a picture of gnus with human legs and the caption, “FAKE GNUS.” But he also replied to a post claiming he is “pledging $180 million” to re-elect Trump — the equivalent of $45 million a month from July until November — writing, “Yeah.”