Nancy Pelosi is ‘convinced Biden will lose'

Nancy Pelosi is ‘convinced Biden will lose,’ per FOX

Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., is reportedly working behind the scenes to persuade President Biden to step aside and allow another Democrat to face former President Trump in the upcoming election.

Pelosi has consistently stated that Trump poses an existential threat to democracy and must be defeated in November, a challenge that Democrats are not certain Biden can meet due to ongoing questions about his mental fitness for office.

A longtime ally of Biden, Pelosi is now "convinced" that keeping Biden on the ticket would cost her party the White House, according to a striking Politico report published on Monday.

"Pelosi, convinced Biden will lose, has been working the phones since June 27 in hopes of finding a way to ease him off the ticket," Politico reported.

"One of her colleagues was surprised to see her conversing, secretly but openly, with Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries last week in a corner of the House Democratic cloakroom, in plain sight of a dozen lawmakers," Politico continued. "The full extent of Pelosi’s behind-the-scenes involvement hasn’t been fully revealed and may never be if the former speaker has her way."

"But sources familiar with the exchanges say she’s orchestrated phone calls to Jeffries, planned strategy with the biggest names in Democratic politics, and bluntly told one former elected official that Biden’s legacy cannot be the destruction of their party," the report said.

Politico noted that this occurred prior to the assassination attempt on Trump.

Pelosi’s office did not immediately respond to a request for comment.