Pfizer's Scott Gottlieb Emailed Top Lobbyist in Twitter's Washington Office Over Covid Vaccine Comments

Per Alex Berenson on Twitter Files

A recent Twitter Files series revealed how a board member of Pfizer secretly sent an email to a top lobbyist in Twitter's Washington office over a statement from an esteemed Dr. Brett Giroir regarding Covid vaccines.

As per the report, Pfizer board member Scott Gottlieb spotted a tweet explaining the difference between vaccine protection and natural immunity built after contracting Covid. Per the tweet, the latter was more effective.

The tweet came from Dr. Brett Giroir, a Food & Drug Administration head who shortly followed Gottlieb in his position. Dr. Giroir, a physician, gave a statement comparing natural immunity to immunity cultivated after getting the Covid vaccine.

Dr. Brett Giroir: "It's now clear #COVID19 natural immunity is superior to #vaccine immunity, by ALOT. There would be no science justification for #vax proof if a person had prior infection. @CDCDirector @POTUS must follow the science. If no previous infection? Get vaccinated!"

Pfizer competitor Moderna recently suggested that it is considering a $110-$130 price for Covid vaccines despite its initial costs at just $15 to $16 per dose.

Despite still encouraging people to get vaccinated if they don't have a history of Covid infection, Dr. Gottlieb, a Pfizer senior board member, former FDA commissioner, and a CNBC contributor, decided to email a top lobbyist in Twitter's Washington office, Todd O'Boyle, to share concerns of the post being corrosive and that it could become viral.

As uploaded by Alex Berenson in his substack, a screenshot of an email showed Gottlieb's message to O'Boyle regarding the tweet.

Gottlieb: "This is the kind of stuff that's corrosive. Here he draws a sweeping conclusion from a single retrospective study in Israel that hasn't been peer-reviewed. But this tweet will end up going viral and driving news coverage.

Despite the world slowly easing up on Covid restrictions, nearing the end of 2022, two flights from China to Milan actually showed that almost half of the passengers tested positive for Covid-19.

In 2021, Pfizer's mRNA jabs resulted in half its $81 billion in sales. That year, Gottlieb was paid roughly $365,000, roughly $1,000 per day.

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