CNBC survey finds 41% of CFOs believe AI would destroy more jobs than it creates


The CNBC CFO Council's latest quarterly survey assessed what CFOs thought of AI and its effect on jobs. The study revealed that they believe that artificial intelligence would create fewer jobs than it would destroy.

It was noted that only 18% of participants thought that AI would potentially open up new jobs for people. This was for CFO professionals, which differed from the CNBC Technology Executive Council survey's findings.

The other study found that 47% of senior tech officials thought that AI would destroy fewer jobs than it creates. This survey noted that 26% of tech executives thought that AI would destroy more jobs than it creates.

Matt Higgins, RSE Ventures CEO and part of the 18% of CFOs that said they had no new AI investments planned, gave a statement on this decision.

Higgins: “My first reaction was one of horror... I’m glad it is anonymous because they are going to regret it one day,”

Another recent study found that AI places jobs mostly held by women at risk. This included positions like bill and account collectors, payroll clerks, and executive secretaries.

Goldman Sachs believes that AI platforms like ChatGPT could impact 300 million full-time jobs. They specified that they believed that this could be because of how jobs could be automated with AI.

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