Samuel Alito's wife leased land to oil and gas companies while the Supreme Court Justice was fighting the Environmental Protection Agency

Per Business Insider

Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito has been trying to reduce the Environmental Protection Agency's scope through several court rulings but recently,  it was revealed that his wife actually leased land to an oil and gas company. His wife was expected to earn 3/16ths of the generated money should there be a successful extraction.

The lease was between Citizen Energy III and Martha Ann Bomgardner Alito, which would've given her 3/16ths of any findings, per The Intercept. The Justice's wife reportedly inherited the land from her late father.

Revolving Door Project founder and director Jeff Hauser gave a statement to The Intercept regarding the discovery.

Hauser: "There need not be a specific case involving the drilling rights associated with a specific plot of land for Alito to understand what outcomes in environmental cases would buttress his family's net wealth,"

In May, the EPA's ability to regulate wetlands was limited by the Supreme Court, per NYT.

Recently, it was revealed that Alito took a private plane from hedge-fund magnate that would've cost $100,000. The Justice defended himself in an op-ed in The Wall Street Journal.

Find out more about Alito's investments here.

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