Special Committee Planned by House Republican to Probe Potential FBI, DOJ, and CIA Wrongdoings

Per NBC News

A special committee is eyed to be given the power to investigate the federal government, including the FBI, Justice Department, and CIA. The new House Republican majority is planning to create this special committee.

The main purpose of this special committee is to investigate the perceived federal government wrongdoings. The new committee was described in detail by a House document titled the following:

Establishing a Select Subcommittee on the Weaponizing of the Federal Government as a select investigative subcommittee of the Committee on the Judiciary.

The new committee will be authorized to conduct a full investigation and issue the final report to the House. This comes as House Republicans are voting on a bill that would see the IRS abolished, which will replace income tax with a national consumption tax.

Here is the scope of what the special committee will investigate:

  • The collection of US citizen information by the Executive Branch
  • How information is shared with the private sector, non-profit entities, or other government agencies for actions against Americans (including illegal or improper).
  • How information is collected, compiled, analyzed, used, and disseminated.
  • The Executive Branch's laws, programs, and activities regarding information collection
  • Civil liberties violation issues
  • Other matters that relate to information collected pursuant

Per the document, once the select subcommittee files its final report, it will cease to exist after 30 days. The subcommittee will be expected to submit a final report on Jan 2, 2025.

Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, gave a statement regarding the subcommittee and how there is a responsibility to investigate how these agencies function. The Representative cited the First Amendment in his statement.

Jordan: “We have a duty to get into these agencies and look at how they have been weaponized to go against the very people they’re supposed to represent, how they have infringed on First Amendment liberties of the American people."

The move also comes as the House of Representatives is looking towards new rules regarding Congressional Ethics, including involvement in stock trading.

See flow at unusualwhales.com/flow.

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