Twitter wins two lawsuits regarding mass layoffs targeting women

Per Reuters

Since Elon Musk's $44 billion acquisition of Twitter, the CEO has been making drastic moves like laying off most of the company's staff. Now, the social platform has just won two lawsuits it received regarding the mass layoffs.

With the company's sudden removal of thousands of workers, its decision was met with multiple lawsuits. Now, a California federal judge has ruled the dismission of a proposed class action lawsuit.

The proposed lawsuit would have alleged that Twitter targeted female employees in its layoffs. Despite the rule of dismissal, it was noted that plaintiffs would be able to add further details to an amended lawsuit.

Within the proposed lawsuit, plaintiffs cited allegedly sexist remarks by Elon Musk, which US District Judge Jon Tigar in Oakland said couldn't be used. This was because the remarks were made before the CEO's acquisition of Twitter.

This comes shortly after another lawsuit against Elon Musk was dismissed. This lawsuit alleged that Twitter had discriminated against workers with disabilities because the company required its employees to report to the office and work long hours.

The proposed lawsuit highlighted how only 47% of the layoffs were men while 57% were women. It also highlighted that 63% of women in engineering roles lost their positions compared to 48% of men.

In November, it was reported that disabled Twitter employees started to resign due to them feeling like they couldn't keep up with the "hardcore" drive implemented by Elon Musk. This was when they filed a lawsuit highlighting how they were required to "work long hours at high intensity."

At the start of the year, Twitter was reportedly also sued for its $136,250 rent bill that was due for its San Francisco office space. It was filed by the Columbia Property Trust, which said that under Elon Musk, Twitter still had over $100 in unpaid rent.

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