Universal basic income of nearly $2,000 a month to be trialed in England for the first time

Autonomy, an independent think tank, is planning a trial in the UK where approximately thirty individuals may receive a monthly sum of £1,600 ($1,983). The success of this endeavor relies on securing adequate funding. The estimated cost for the basic income payments over the two-year duration of the project is £1.15 million.

Throughout the trial period, researchers will evaluate the impact of the provided UBI funds on the lives of the participants. Additionally, a separate group of individuals who will not receive the monthly money will be monitored through individual interviews, focus groups, and questionnaires. This will enable researchers to comprehend the disparities in experiences between the two groups.

The trial has been in the works for two years, during which time there have been discussions and engagement with local communities. These interactions have garnered significant support for the concept of UBI and have influenced the trial's planning.

The trial will focus on two specific areas in the UK: East Finchley in London, known for its higher cost of living, and central Jarrow in the northeast of the country.

Citizens from these localities will have the opportunity to volunteer for participation in the trial, with the selection process being randomized. Autonomy has expressed their commitment to ensuring that the trial group is representative of the broader population.