NATO total deliveries to Ukraine: 230 tanks and 1,550 combat vehicles

Per NBC Chicago

NATO has reportedly sent a total of 1,550 armored vehicles and 230 tanks. On top of this, it was noted that they have also sent what they described as "vast amounts of ammunition."

With its deliveries, NATO allies and partner companies would have almost completed their promised combat vehicle deliveries to Ukraine. In total, the only deliveries left to finish would be less than 2%.

Aside from NATO, other countries like Sweden and Australia have also taken part in providing armored vehicles to Ukraine. It was noted that the new brigades would have comprised over 30,000 troops.

NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg noted that the alliance was also training and equipping nine new brigades. In a report to Brussels, Stoltenberg gave a statement regarding the situation.

Stoltenberg: "This will put Ukraine in a strong position to continue to retake occupied territory,”

Dmitry Peskov, a spokesman for the Kremlin, replied to queries regarding whether the fighting would end. He noted that they were open to potential solutions that could terminate the conflict.

Peskov: “We are ready to welcome anything that could lead to the termination of the conflict in Ukraine and the achievement of all the goals set by Russia.”

In early March, Finland reportedly built a fence made of barbed wire on the Russian border. The fence was 124 meters long and 3 meters tall and reportedly cost the country over half a billion; specifically, the country spent $597 million.

In the second half of February, Zelensky warned that if China allied itself with Russia, there would be World War III. He also noted that China was aware of this fact as well.

Zelensky: "For us, it is important that China does not support the Russian Federation in this war... In fact, I would like it to be on our side. At the moment, however, I don't think it's possible."

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